Wake Up With Muffled Hearing In One Ear? Find Answers With This Information

Posted on: 1 December 2017


If the hearing in one of your ears seems muffled or distorted in the morning, you may wonder if you're losing your hearing. Your muffled hearing may be due to excessive wax in your ears or an ear or sinus infection. Learn why your hearing sounds muffled and what you can do about it below:

Why Is Your Hearing Muffled?

Hearing loss of any form can be frightening to the people it affects, especially if it occurs in one ear and not the other. Although it's possible to experience hearing loss in one ear, it's not always serious or permanent. Muffling can occur if you have a cold, ear infection, or sinus infection. These health problems can allow fluid and wax to build up inside your ear during the night.

You may experience different symptoms when you wake up in the morning. Your ear may feel as though it's stuffed or plugged with cotton. A smelly fluid may leak out of your ear, or you may notice wax along the outsides of your ear. Some people hear ringing, tinkling, and other strange noises in their plugged ear.

If you try to unplug your ear, you may be able to get rid of the muffling.

How Do You Get Rid of the Muffling?

If you have a cold or sinus infection, try relieving the fluid buildup in your face and head with a decongestant. Decongestants alleviate pressure in the face and head. You want to consult with an ENT specialist or regular doctor before you take any medications.

Gently massaging the skin around your cheekbones, ears, eyes, and forehead may also help unplug your ears. If you have sensitive or delicate skin, dampen it with warm water or a light oil before you perform the massage.

Wiping the outer surfaces of your ears with a warm cloth may remove the discharge and wax from your skin. Avoid placing any object inside your ear, as it can push fluid and wax further down the canal.

If nothing above unplugs your ear, schedule an appointment with an ENT doctor. You may need to have your ears professionally checked for excessive wax or infection. An ENT may also check your ear to see if it's experiencing hearing loss. Some people experience muffled hearing as they age, or when they take antibiotics and other medications. High blood pressure, diabetes, and other conditions can trigger hearing loss. If a doctor finds out why you have hearing problems in one ear, they can treat it with medications or even hearing aids.

Don't the muffling to take over your hearing. You can find the answers you need by contacting an ENT specialist like Mark Montgomery MD FACS today.