Three Surgical Approaches To Treating Sleep Apnea

Posted on: 20 November 2017

If you suffer from sleep apnea, there are an array of treatments your doctor may recommend. They will probably advise that you start with a non-invasive treatment such as sleeping with a C-PAP machine or a mouth guard. If these treatments do not work, you will have the choice of surgery. Here are three major surgical approaches that may be recommended for the treatment of sleep apnea. UPPP This procedure is called a UPPP because the real name, Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, is so hard to say.
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Christmas Allergies? You Bet! What To Do When You Discover Them

Posted on: 20 November 2017

There are so many things at Christmas that your nose is not in contact with the rest of the year, so it comes as no surprise when some people discover for the very first time that they are allergic Christmas objects! Here are some of the most common allergies discovered at this time of year and how to address them when you discover that you have one or more of the following allergies.
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